D-2! ... before the Miss France election
… And a nice surprise for the designer!
This morning, when she woke up, Sandra Bisson - Delegate Miss Guadeloupe- transferred the front page of the France-Antilles newspaper to her on Thursday, December 9!
Indeed, journalist Elodie Soupama interviewed her on the occasion of her participation in the regional costume of Ludivine Edmond (Miss Guadeloupe 2021) for the Miss France election!
The house is very happy to be able to contribute to this great challenge and to represent Guadeloupe as well as Marie-Galante, the native island of Cassandra!
Appointment this Saturday to support Ludivine Edmond at 4:05 p.m. (for Guadeloupe) ViàATV channel or 9:05 p.m. (for France) on TF1
Discover live the costume imagined for her.